Paralegal Toronto

Yigal Bendgi Licensed Paralegal in Toronto Canada

Traffic Offences

Have you been charged with an offence under the Highway traffic Act?


Got a Traffic Ticket? Don’t worry.

Whether you’ve been charged with Speeding, Careless Driving, Operate Motor Vehicle No Insurance, Driving Under Suspension, Disobey Stop Sign, Red Light Failed to Stop,  or any moving violation under the Highway traffic Act; a conviction can result in serious implications against you. You may face high court fines, a conviction on your driving record, increased insurance premiums, demerit points, or the possibility of losing your driving privileges.

You have rights! As a paralegal, I can help you in defending your traffic ticket charges.

Fighting a traffic ticket involves great attention to detail, skills in trial preparation, knowledge in ordering and reviewing evidence, preparation of witnesses, and professional representation for your trial. As your paralegal I will review the evidence against you and create an action plan in the defence or resolution of your charges, saving you time and money, save your demerit points, help keep insurance premiums low, and help you maintain a good driving record.  I will represent you in court to get you the best result possible.

Depending on each individual case, I will help you in getting your charges completely dismissed, or resolved to a lower charge with lower fines and lower implications.  Each case is unique in itself, and requires an assessment of the circumstances leading to the charge(s) against you.

Call me today for your free consultation to find out more about how I can help you fight your traffic ticket charges.

  Yigal Bendgi, Paralegal

   416 735-9444

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