Paralegal Toronto
Yigal Bendgi Licensed Paralegal in Toronto Canada
Criminal Summary Offences
Have you been arrested? Charged with a criminal offence?
If you’ve been charged with a criminal offence such as theft under $5000.00, small possession of drugs, assault, or another criminal summary offence you could be facing a criminal record, high court fines, and even imprisonment. Obtaining a criminal record may further result in challenges of finding a job or in the ability to travel out of the country.
There are three classifications of offences under the Criminal Code: Summary Offences, Indictable Offences, and Hybrid Offences. The type of offence you will be charged with is decided by the Crown Counsel. If you have been charged with a Summary Offence, you may seek the services of a paralegal or a lawyer. If you have been charged with a Hybrid or Indictable offence you will need the services of a Lawyer.
As a paralegal, Yigal Bendgi provides criminal defence services on Summary Offences.
What is a Summary Offence?
Summary Offences are considered to be the least serious under the Criminal Code. The maximum penalty on such offences are $5000.00 and/or up to six months jail/imprisonment.
What is an Indictable Offence?
Indictable Offences are considered to be more serious offences and carry higher fines, a jail sentence longer than six months, and other possible measures as a result of a conviction.
What is a Hybrid Offence?
Hybrid Offences can be dealt with either as Indictable or Summary, and are decided on by the Crown Counsel.
How can I get help?
If you have been charged with a Summary Offence under the Criminal Code or are not yet sure which type of offence it is you’re charged with, you may call Yigal for a free consultation. Yigal Bendgi works in association with Criminal Defence Lawyers and can refer you to a lawyer whom is best specialized to defend your type of Charge(s).
If you have been arrested and taken into custody, you may call Yigal to get referred to the right Legal Professional.
Yigal’s team of associates specialize in criminal defense and will make sure your rights are preserved. We can help you avoid getting a criminal record or serving time in jail. We will conduct bail hearings and defend the charges against you in court.
We are knowledgeable and experienced in dealing with police officers, court prosecutors, and the court system to ensure your rights to a fair trial. Don’t get stuck with a criminal record. Call today for a free consultation and find out how we can help you.